Has that plot bunny in your head been sitting idly, never taking the time to be written onto paper (or a computer screen, whatever your preference)?
Maybe you should take interest in NaNoWriMo's National Writing Month (which would be November) where the goal is to write 50,000 words starting from November 1st to November 30th of 2008. Winners will have their words counted and win a nice little certificate (sorry guys, no cash) along with the satisfaction of writing mercilessly without worrying about spelling errors.
It's all about quantity, not quality, so make mistakes and just keep writing!
Please visit this link for more information. No entry fee. Just fun!
NaNoWriMo Novel Writing Competition
NaNoWriMo also deletes all entries after the competition is over so you will not have to worry about your frantically written novel appearing somewhere.
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